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Comment count is 13
Toenails - 2009-03-29

If any of you clicked on the link thinking it was Cena_Mark, you must now give the video five stars.

Cena_mark - 2009-03-29

I don't wear "ridiculous makeup." I wear awesome face paint.

Toenails - 2009-03-29

duly noted.

biclops - 2009-03-29

And to think I was worried that I was being too subtle.

Frank Rizzo - 2009-03-29

reporting in sir.

James Woods - 2009-03-29


Keefu - 2009-03-29

midniight (7 months ago) Show Hide
foolish idiots.... the real video was removoed off youtube for a reason... the illumanti is real. if this guy claims to know what hes talking about, but doesn't know that one thing!!... i wouldnt believe shit he says... also. its not the aliens possesing bush's actions... it's the Greys.... that are giving orders for Bush to complete the New World Order...
For a bunch of idiots that claim to want to know the truth so bad, you guys don't do much research on your own... 2023 will never come...

Iseeyoursoul (7 months ago) Show Hide
Wow ... hopefully you wake up soon and stop treading this like a big joke.
I guess its not your children being bombed, walking in the streets with shrapnel in their bodies...so you dont care and choose to poke fun at the "illuminati" and "alien" topics.
Maybe you should poke fun at "bohemian grove
and tell people that doesn't exist either.
Hopefully nowone is sidetracked by your petty antics. Fuckin'Clown.

nzusm (4 months ago) Show Hide
how much did u get for making this cover up video? you seem to have prepared well to make this video, or, you may just had a bunch of editors and producers, well ya of course because it's working, people won't believe in the bush-greys coalition again, right? Wake up people! all the movies that hollywood had to offer were, real, and they had 2 important goals. 1- make you feel that these greys and reptilian are only in movies, 2- make you kinda prepared for the big truth that is yet to come.

atavismnocturn (2 months ago) Show Hide
do some research on the illuminati you fucking piece of shit

biclops - 2009-03-29

Alright, I stand corrected

IrishWhiskey - 2009-03-30

Its not "that nobody believed in the first place", its "that no one who believed would possibly listen to".

I mean, if you are willing to take that leap based on a reflection, that an alien was caught on camera standing behind the President at a press conference as part of their role in a secret society of lizard people, there's not much in terms of logic or reason that's likely to change your mind.

ProfessorChaos - 2009-03-29

These stars are for the term "Intellectual Inbreeding" - whichjust has so much more oomph then "Groupthink"

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-03-29

"I just shit my pants."

You have to love a hardcore literalist in facepaint.

Chalkdust - 2009-03-29

Five stars for the adorable journalist alien

Comrade Admiral - 2009-03-29

All I see when I look at this guy is this:


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