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Comment count is 10
kiint - 2009-04-13

lovely refrain

FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2009-04-13

God, why don't those stubborn fuckers just write/direct this show instead of insisting on being on camera, too?

chairsforcheap - 2009-04-13

uhh which one of them is on camera...?

Chalkdust - 2009-04-13

Rainn Wilson in a wig does look a bit like Tim.

FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2009-04-14

"uhh which one of them is on camera...?"

Neither, and so this is good. Get it?

chairsforcheap - 2009-04-13

the one with patton oswalt was also incredible

The Townleybomb - 2009-04-13

I would love this even if I didn't recognize what local Philly TV show from the '80s it's an homage to.

dr_rock - 2009-04-14

5 stars for Al Albert

My fat Italian neighbors were on that show all the time.

dr_rock - 2009-04-14


zatojones - 2009-04-14

-1 for video camera shot of a TV screen

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