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Comment count is 35
Aelric - 2009-05-09

I was expecting drunken follies like every other Russian video on this site but some of these seemed pretty decent, particularly the disarms.

Pookles - 2009-05-09

pretty neat, but -1 for stretching and rolling around to techno

Pookles - 2009-05-09

also why does the guy with the shouldered rifle suddenly fall on his butt?

Desidiosus - 2009-05-09

Russian fighting technique is based on judicious placement of banana peels.

chairsforcheap - 2009-05-09

are you retarded? the techno MAKES this video

halon - 2009-05-09

Adagio for Dicks

Aernaroth2 - 2009-05-09

In Soviet Russia, beat drops you.

teethsalad - 2009-05-09

this is called systema

use a google

mouser - 2009-05-09

Looks like a mashup of Judo, Dayto Ryu and even some basis of Katori Shinto Ryu (for the rifle disarming stuff with looks strangely like some of the Gen Ryu katas). Nice stuff.

The evilness of the totally unnecessary recording of the warmup set to techno does set the score though.

ProfessorChaos - 2009-05-09

There were classes for systema at the martial arts club at my college. They were advertised with a picture of a shovel, and a caption saying "Want to learn how to kill with this?".

I considered.

Camonk - 2009-05-09

I don't know. To me it looks more like a combination of blah blah nerdy nerd namedrop random Japanese syllables crammed together blur blur dojo kumite front kick front kick gun katas fart

Cleaner82 - 2009-05-09

The rifle disarming stuff looked a lot like a guy grabbing a rifle.

Very smoothly.

mouser - 2009-05-09

We obviously dont practice the same style Camonk but why dont you tell us more about trollbudo?

mcsancherson - 2009-05-10

fucking nerd

Cube - 2009-05-09

When I was 12 I knew people my age who thought these kind of videos are cool.

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2009-05-09

so you're like 15, right?

wrattick - 2009-05-09

we can underestimate Russians capacity for violence, just as they can underestimate our (American) intelligence

Baby Finster - 2009-05-09

I don't think anyone underestimates the Russian capacity for violence.

futurebot - 2009-05-09

My god you people are racist idiots, seriously

You are zero steps removed from the 19th century anthropologists who taught us about the barbarity of the negro and the greed of the Jew

wrattick - 2009-05-09

don't you think thats a bit of a stretch? just a little?

futurebot - 2009-05-09

Nope, they are exactly the same in every way and any attempt you make to come up with some special dispensation for stereotyping Russians is really just further evidence.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-05-09

also they like horsey penises

wrattick - 2009-05-11

now listen you, no not you, yes you. Either you are serious or you are trolling. Either way it means you are a douchebag. If you are serious, come on down from your high horse in you mom's basement. I am qualified to speak about Russian culture and collective consciousness, more so than you are qualified to accuse total strangers on the intarweb of racism.
If you are joking, well then maybe I'll have a laugh about it the net time my Russian wife kicks me in the knees for overpaying on, well anything.

wrattick - 2009-05-14

I regret my hasty comments and I am sorry for any offense.

phalsebob - 2009-05-09

I thought Russian military martial arts consisted main of throat stomps, not of dancing like little girls! And really, would a Russian with an assault rifle with a bayonet try to bash you with the magazine?

spikestoyiu - 2009-05-09

Russia also gave us Sambo, which is really fucking badass.

Camonk - 2009-05-09

When he turned those tigers into butter? Hot fucking shit, right?

Squidmojo - 2009-05-09

I think this is Sambo, actually. At least the first part.

I love Sambo because it's like Batman: soviet researchers combed the world for the most effective fighting styles and then merged them into one style for their armies.

Also, it's an acronym. "The word "Самбо" (Sambo) is an acronym of САМозащит 072; Без Оружия (SAMozashchita Bez Oruzhiya), meaning "self-defense without weapons" in Russian."

pastorofmuppets - 2009-05-09

Those are some weird kanji

Species - 2009-05-10

Kanji? It's called Cyrillic.

The Townleybomb - 2009-05-09


futurebot - 2009-05-09

2:48 ninja fisting

Dr Dim - 2009-05-09

I think some of it is Sambo, which is awesome, and some of it is Systema, which appears to be a load of mystical bollocks to my cynical western eye. The success of all these super gentle "leading your opponent into emptiness" type styles seems to be based mainly on having a whole lot of gullible students who are trained to fall over if you breath on them.

duckofdeath - 2009-05-09

this made me so hot
especially that pulsating rhythm

miken - 2009-05-09

remix of adagio for strings? I like me some samuel barber, so this was pretty cool.

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