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Comment count is 4
splatterbabble - 2009-05-30

This is pretty lengthy, repetitive, and lame. There's a LOT to be said about fashion designers using regurgitated iconography from occulted and classical origin. As far as the Freemason crap goes, Rotten has this to say:

"...how sneaky can this society possibly be, if you can purchase any of their tchotchkes through eBay? Last time we checked, there were 3,204 auctions matching the query: masonic,freemasonry,freemasons. In addition to the standard fezzes, aprons, trowels, rings, and printed literature, there's a seemingly endless parade of gaudy souvenirs..."

From: http://rotten.com/library/conspiracy/freemasonry/

All this really comes down to is free publicity for Jay-Z, Kanye West, and Nas.

I would be more impressed/disturbed if there was a trend in music and fashion that focused on Santeria or the Circumcellions (AKA the Agonistici).

Cube - 2009-05-30

Duh, don't you know one of the most popular conspiracy theorists' mantras: "if you want to hide something, it's best to put it in public view"!

I like this because I have a friend who preaches all the latest conspiracy theories. And has done so for like five years.

phalsebob - 2009-05-30

It's almost as if easily aped symbolism requiring the barest of superficial knowledge (if any) is marketable as canned deepness to the knuckle dragging masses.

Also, for some reason I've found freemason conspiracy theorists to be the most boring among the crazies.

nocash - 2009-05-30

Nastrodamus :D

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