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Comment count is 4
RocketBlender - 2009-06-04

Good movie, not sure why this showed up here though....

mouser - 2009-06-04

Because Disney wants so much to make this a success that we're about to be able to piece together the whole film with the bazillion previews they released of it.

'anonymous' was just being 'courteous' to find one of the later puzzle pieces.

Stupid Lisa Garbage Face - 2009-06-04

I'm tired of being spoon fed things i'm supposed to find cute.

They treat the movie viewing public like walking audience reaction boxes with a colour-by-numbers film with obvious parts where you're supposed to "Ooooo" "Awwww" "Oh noes" "Ha ha"

Goofy Gorilla - 2009-06-05

Children's movies are supposed to be simplistic and emotionally manipulative.

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