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Comment count is 9
Stopheles - 2009-08-05

In the early 90s, my brother saw Muta in a WCW (or NWA?) match - on his way to the ring, he got heckled by a seven-year-old who was REALLY CLEARLY trying to show that he wasn't scared of Muta.

Muta responded by pretending to be scared of the kid. Whenever the kid yelled during the match, Muta'd get flustered and blow a move. Whenever Muta got thrown into the ropes on the side where the kid was seated, Muta'd drop to his knees and look like he'd seen a ghost.

I guess all I'm trying to say is

Hooker - 2009-08-05

Keiji Mutoh is the greatest.

Stopheles - 2009-08-05

Thanks for finishing my sentence, Hooker. What I was TRYING to say is the word "Muta" surrounded by little ASCII hearts.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-08-05

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Hooker - 2009-08-05


The three or four wrestling fans on poeTV should get our own site. It woud be more popular than 73q.

twinkieafternoon - 2009-08-05

Admit it: you're waiting for him to spit mist in the face of the parents.

Desidiosus - 2009-08-05

I can't remember. Is it the green mist that blinds? If it is, what does the red mist do?

Ageusiatic - 2009-08-07

All of the mists do the same thing. I remember seeing Tajiri spray a green mist, the guy ducks, and it's red mist immediately in his eyes. I hear the stuff is jello.

twinkieafternoon - 2009-08-10

The mist that Muto uses does different things based on colors, yeah, but I can't remember exactly what they do either, although I'm sure Wikipedia lists them. I think Red hurts your eyes, Green blinds them, Yellow paralyzes you, and black like near kills you, I think. There might be more, I can't remember.

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