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Comment count is 6
freedoom - 2009-08-31

Ah, i remember the days of video game characters wearing tap shoes!

Triggerbaby - 2009-08-31

Deus Ex was revolutionary in that it allowed players to choose their own path through the game.

Camonk - 2009-08-31

This video is a lot like Deus Ex: it starts seeming kind of fun and interesting and then quickly falls apart, but keeps chugging past that point. This could've been two minutes.

fluffy - 2009-08-31


oddeye - 2009-08-31

Video is kinda boring. It may not be THE BEST GAME EVER but Deus Ex is still 5 billion times the game Team Fortress 2 or Mechwarrior 2 will ever be.

FABIO - 2009-09-01

Signs of a great game is how much time you spend simply dicking around instead of just blowing through to beat it so you can throw it in the closet and forget about it.

This video could have been a lot shorter.

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