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Comment count is 3
chumbucket - 2009-09-08

I have no idea what just happened

HarrietTubmanPI - 2009-09-08

I find that Christ-speak is often indecipherable to the rational and skeptical. I've (out of boredom) listened to sermons on the radio during long road trips and it's practically garbled words and phrases with points that are unsupported and make no sense whatsoever.

However, I also imagine that to the super religious that rational thought is often indecipherable to them but things that are jumbled and irrational make perfect sense to them.

For all we know, they could be watching this and saying "OF COURSE! The blood of the lamb is seasoned with the midionites from Ra'athlan and therefore Christ is embodied every other week in the spirit of the eucharist! It makes perfect sense!"

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-09-08

Alternate Title: The Horrors of the Outside World.

Can you protect your children from... THE HORRORS OF THE OUTSIDE WORLD!

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