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Comment count is 17
pastorofmuppets - 2009-10-23

Stars for black David Cross and Rodent's Revenge. But this is nowhere near as evil as the real "how to host a Windows 7 party" videos.

But seriously you guys color coded PS/2 ports weren't around in Windows 3.1 days, that came about after 1997 WHAT WERE YOU THINKING

dr_rock - 2009-10-23

If you did ANY fact checking, Windows 3.1 came out in 1993, and pizza.net was first registered in 1998! JERKS! Also, Windows 3.1 had no built-in support for dial-up networking. You needed something like AOL or Trumpet Winsock, you JACKASSES.

dr_rock - 2009-10-23

I mean 1992. Beat you to it!!!

pastorofmuppets - 2009-10-23

That wasn't the real pizza.net, it was just a fancy door game.

socialist_hentai - 2009-10-23

windows 3.1 was kick ass, and this manages to make it look bad. how can that be?

kingofthenothing - 2009-10-23

mainly because they have nine people on a couch who act like 'fuck you, I'm only here for pizza and brownies.'

mystery_bouffe - 2009-10-23

With that, the host continued to stuff pizza down his victim's throat until finally, coughing and spluttering, leaking greased tears of shock and sodium, he was forced to admit that Windows 3.1 could do anything. It could do anything it wanted, at any time...and oh, there was ever so much time left at the party.

They both knew this, but only one of them smiled.

FABIO - 2009-10-23

This was about 90% premise and 10% jokes.

Hooker - 2009-10-23

Yeah. Just add in some hammed up acting and post-production and it's basically Tim and Eric.

Five stars for them specifically not doing that.

punch drunk babies - 2009-10-23

This was just an elaborate setup to get Rebbecca's nut bread recipe

Dib - 2009-10-26

Anything goes at a Windows party.

joyofdiscord - 2009-10-23

+2 stars for pipe dream because that game -was- pretty awesome

Bored - 2009-10-23


The 80's and 90's were way fucking lame.

MrBuddy - 2009-10-23

Yes Bored, they were, but we didn't know that then. We thought the 80s were awesome! Kind of like how we think of 2009 as being full of win.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-10-23

I'd imagine that if you lived in in Yugoslavia or Czechoslovakia the 90s were pretty exciting.

La Loco - 2009-10-23

The mass populace will continue to nerd up every decade until we do something about it.

charmlessman - 2009-10-23

It ends with text on the screen with the accompanying typewriter noises.


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