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Comment count is 26
Udderdude - 2009-10-23

Sneaky bastard.

Smellvin - 2009-10-23


baleen - 2009-10-23


BornAgainCannibal - 2009-10-24

I totally forgot about those rules.

The Mothership - 2014-10-23

huge balk.

James Woods - 2009-10-23

What I like about this clip is how pitchers learn to throw at insane speeds with ridiculous accuracy and someone called this video 'best pitch ever thrown'.

Camonk - 2009-10-23

That's cause no one cares about that other stuff cause it's used to play baseball normally, and that is one of the most boring ass things a person can do.

Time Travel Mishap - 2009-10-23

That is the amazing thing about baseball. These men can throw a ball at 100 MPH and with incredible accuracy. And then another guy manages to hit that 100 MPH ball with a stick that is not much wider then the ball itself. Sounds amazing on paper but they manage to make it boring as hell.

Lurchi - 2009-10-23

Boring?! Just read these statistics!

sosage - 2009-10-23

Ok. Back to regular ole' basebaZZzzzzzZZZZzzzz

James Woods - 2009-10-23

Oh, you guys. Five imaginary stars each.

Wombles - 2010-04-10

For Lurchi

James Woods - 2009-10-23

'greatest' rather

Camonk - 2009-10-23

If only baseball were basically completely different, it might be worth watching.

Hooker - 2009-10-23

That didn't even look like it was in the strike zone.

fatatty - 2009-10-23

There's no way that was a strike. Still fun though.

Herr Matthias - 2009-10-23

I assume by the laugh track and the complete lack of people in the stands that this was not performed within the context of an actual game

JimL2 - 2009-10-23

Guys I don't think this was a real game.

JimL2 - 2009-10-23

oh hey herr matthias how's it goin' yeah i'm doing fine thanks

Hooker - 2009-10-23

My God. This isn't a Ham Fighters game?

MongoMcMichael - 2009-10-23

Leave it to the Japs to anticipate a Pearl Harbor job.

Desidiosus - 2009-10-23

They can pull feints like this in baseball, and yet the Japanese soccer team sucks.

fluffy - 2009-10-23

Clearly we don't deserve this sport, and we should just give it to Japan.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-10-24

I meant to do that!

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-10-25

Anyone who says this isn't real is lying.

Don't listen to them.

bac - 2009-11-01


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