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Comment count is 8
zatojones - 2009-10-26

these stars are for the last three seconds

athodyd - 2009-10-26

that is an... odd looking lady

socialist_hentai - 2009-10-26

tiny head

TimidAres - 2009-10-26

She looks like a bird.

freedoom - 2009-10-26

is there supposed to be music?

freedoom - 2009-10-26

also, where are her bayonets?

Pillager - 2009-10-26

There's probably a cheat code...

Zarathustra00 - 2010-01-12

God Hand did something like this for it's end credits with one key difference: it's ending sequence made me feel unashamed, nay compelled, to masturbate upon sight of something so beautiful and perfect.

Also, SFW fetish tag?

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