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Comment count is 2
baleen - 2009-12-03


FILM TYPE: Narrative feature

DESCRIPTION: A woman who cannot hear is stalked.


Lexie Cannes, a woman who cannot hear, is exposed to a sinister underworld after a series of events that results in her coming face to face to two men stalking her -- one with injurious intents, the other with more benevolent motives. In a twist of fate, the confrontations provides Lexie with means to resolve a mystery previously unknown to her.

On a personal level, Lexie’s hostile gender-questioning upbringing makes her seemingly silent world anything but. Lexie’s romantic relationship derails over acceptance issues while her attempts to befriend a lost soul results in realization that we all are often only a few steps removed from a sinister underworld.

dora's cough - 2009-12-03

kind of adorable actually

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