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Comment count is 7
Chizmurder - 2010-01-08

That dude got so laid after this.

manfred - 2010-01-08

Goo goo ga joob

SolRo - 2010-01-08

In no ones defense, both of the videos have stupid, useless tags.

ztc - 2010-01-08

They've both got 'walrus'.

fatatty - 2010-01-08

This one does have a very fitting submitter though.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2010-01-08

Hey people, remember when we saw this video when it posted yesterday?
Im not one starring this dupe because the submitter name is perfect.

memedumpster - 2010-01-09

Whoa, I actually thought this WAS the video from yesterday, I was just seeing why its rating dropped so sharply!

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