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Comment count is 18
Enjoy - 2010-02-22

If it doesn't play:


kennydra - 2010-02-22


Pookles - 2010-02-22

It doesn't play, but that link does.

kennydra - 2010-02-22

kinda pissed about the camera people tho. stfu!

fatatty - 2010-02-23


baleen - 2010-02-23

I'm kinda pissed about how the "homeless" singer felt it necessary to start JAMMING in the middle of the aria.

dora's cough - 2010-02-22

is that a bouzouki?

dora's cough - 2010-02-22

also that dude is probably not homeless

Enjoy - 2010-02-22

Yeah 'homeless' was the original video description but I doubt it too.

Smellvin - 2010-02-22

Mandocello/bouzouki. Yeppers.

Mad Struggle - 2010-02-22

Amazing. Someone give this guy a record contract.

Also, the people behind the camera need to shut up.

phalsebob - 2010-02-23


Enjoy - 2010-02-22

I see theSnake has given this one-star of justice. Thanks theSnake for going over my video postings and giving them one star. The bigots must pay, eh?

Cube - 2010-02-22


... But this guy could replace any woman in a cheap opera staff.

MaulLove - 2010-02-22

Castrato Rasputin.

memedumpster - 2010-02-22

The camera larva are infuriating, but not enough to detract stars from the incredible musician.

oogaBooga - 2010-02-23

I, too, will withold taking away any stars due to the obnoxious, retarded people behind the camera.

splatterbabble - 2010-02-23

Is that Ave Maria? It's been too long for me to tell any more.

-1 for bad camera people.

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