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Comment count is 7
Redlof - 2010-04-04

I remember they hyped the hell out of this, and then after it started airing they quickly forgot it existed and then quietly shuffled it off schedule.

nemeses9 - 2010-04-04

Yeah, apparently the people hyping it didn't actually watch it until it aired.

It was boring as hell.

MongoMcMichael - 2010-04-04

I like how all the dark-skinned people with bones through their noses have British accents. "NO, SEE WE ANGLICIZED THEM SO IT'S OKAY NOW."

astropod five - 2010-04-04

If I remember it right, they were actually British settlers who were shipwrecked and, I don't know how they started putting bones in their noses.

Xenocide - 2010-04-04

The series actually takes place in the late 1800's. The British colonized the island and expected all the natives to learn flawless English within one year. Mike arrives shortly after the mass execution of those who failed to meet the deadline.

Unmerciful Crushing Force - 2010-04-04

Of course that aspect of the show was only seen in the show bible and a few interviews with ToonZone. They couldn't actually address the genocide aspect on the show itself. CN execs ruining our shit, as always.

Disaster - 2010-04-05

I still catch myself singing this song occasionally.

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