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Comment count is 49
papa_november - 2010-05-05

sorry man you know how it is

RocketBlender - 2010-05-05

La Loco sucks 20 dicks a day!

Oktay - 2010-05-05

i'm in ur internets, riting comentz!

La Loco - 2010-05-05

Can I has ma starz?

Meatsack Jones - 2010-05-05

I refuse to offer you my stars. Away demon of POE verisimilitude!

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2010-05-05

i see what you did there

kennydra - 2010-05-05

fat adorable cat
+ funny 'ironic' title and description
+ hot girl sexy cooing sounds
= my rating

glasseye - 2010-05-05

+ purring kitty
+ kitty rolling over to have his/her belly pet


RocketBlender - 2010-05-05

I get it, it's a protest of cat videos in the form of a cat video.

Spike Jonez - 2010-05-05

Is he named Smelly? Stars withheld until I know.

Albuquerque Halsey - 2010-05-05

that kitty looks like my dog! OR DOES SHE?

bopeton - 2010-05-05

I don't know if you're trolling for five stars or making an honest point.

Either way, the effort gets five stars, but if this becomes a "thing" then the second person who tries it is going to fall flat on his face.

MaulLove - 2010-05-05

Here's a clue.

Louis Armstrong - 2010-05-05


By the way I like what you did here.

William Burns - 2010-05-05

Eat shit, MaulLove. I'm five-starring your video AND favoriting it!

Syd Midnight - 2010-05-05

I love temper tantrums expressed through the posting of cat videos.

Innocent Bystander - 2010-05-05

the cat video wars rage on.

i don't even know why i'm five starring this, i sure as shit didn't watch the video.

poorwill - 2010-05-05

There is no fucking WAY I'm watching that video.

Camonk - 2010-05-05

"making an honest point"

Really? Seriously? Faggots.

voodoo_pork - 2010-05-05

5-starring you for voting on your own submission. SHAME.

mashedtater - 2010-05-05

maul love, i hope you self flagellate for every single star someone gives you.

memedumpster - 2010-05-05

I listened to the video while reading this, it fit in a five star worthy way.

kwash - 2010-05-05

5 stars for MaulLove voting on her own video.

sosage - 2010-05-05

Kitties n Titties are auto-5. Your edgy attitude isn't going to change this.

duck&cover - 2010-05-05

Awww, Snowy, such a sweepy kitty. Awwww!

rustedmutt - 2010-05-05

Don't be a cat apologist, Maul! You and I both know that bird videos are superior!

I am one-starring this in solidarity with your cockatiel videos and---

Damn, that's a cute cat.

icemanflam - 2010-05-05

Haha, fantastic sir

Man Who Fights Like Woman - 2010-05-05

Well, if I have to.

Syd Midnight - 2010-05-05

You know Maul if you put a little effort into finding a decent cat video.. you'd be a guy who posts cat videos on PoeTV. Gabba gabba

Jack Dalton - 2010-05-05

Congratulations you did it!!!!

Wander - 2010-05-05

The proper tag is "one starring myself as an object lesson" since that is not fixed I have to give this five stars.

Camonk - 2010-05-05

PoETV beard engaged: "It's actually getting myself one starred as an object lesson"

Actually that doesn't even sound right so disregard the beard. It's been drinking lately and its game has slipped.

Urburos - 2010-05-05

Orders are orders.

StanleyPain - 2010-05-05

This wasn't the title or description when it was in the hopper so I voted it up in good faith. For shame, MaulLove...for shame.....

Ghoul - 2010-05-05

Yes sir, I will.

glenn - 2010-05-05


Merzbau - 2010-05-05


Hooker - 2010-05-05


Tuan Jim - 2010-05-05

Cats who think they're dogs are the best possible pets.

pentheus - 2010-05-05


longwinded - 2010-05-06

one red star for GLORIOUS REVOLUTION

Xero - 2010-05-05

Somethings you should never do.
Kill the messenger.
Talk about Fight Club.
Tell this website what to do.

I hope you learned something.

Atrekis - 2010-05-05

One star for your comment fatbeard.

Keefu - 2010-05-07

stupid animals!

Twitch - 2010-05-07

Have you guys ever lived with a cat? It's hell.


tamago - 2010-05-10

Here's your one star!

Cleaner82 - 2010-05-11

Anything for you MaulLove.

springheeledjim - 2010-05-12

5 just because the cat looks like my dead cat, before he died.

Big Muddy - 2011-01-30

pisstaint germaphob


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