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Comment count is 15
violenza - 2010-05-27


pineapplejuicer - 2010-05-27


Gamara II - 2010-05-27

As discussed previously on POE - cochlear implants are worse than the Holocaust. FYI

http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/1998/06/02/sunday/main10794.sht ml

(and yeah I'm not being serious here, it's just interesting that this debate even exists)

splatterbabble - 2010-05-27

My nephew has cochlear implants and is probably a better person for it. His mother, my sister-in-law, is very religious, but even she doesn't buy into the whole "God made him deaf for a reason" bullshit.

MaulLove - 2010-05-28

I was going to make a DEAF GENOCIDE joke, but this video is too cute.

spikestoyiu - 2010-05-28

Science wins again.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2010-05-27

Unfortunately this incredible technology has allowed Rush Limbaugh to carry on his radio show.

memedumpster - 2010-05-27

I met someone with one of these, it looked really futuristic cool as hell.

James Woods - 2010-05-28

Ditto. I saw a woman with one and somehow knew it had to be a cochlear implant. Cool shit. Hello sci-fi future of the 50-90s. I can't wait to see a robot moving down the street without a human guiding it. I might shed a tear. Humanity's getting sweet upgrades. But can we out race the looming catastrophes of our mismanaged power in time to turn the tide and go out in to the skies of other worlds? Stay tuned to find out.

FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2010-05-28

Maybe the best possible face to put on the inevitable death of deaf culture.

James Woods - 2010-05-28


Xenocide - 2010-05-28

I usually can't stand cutesy baby videos, but holy shit that made me smile.

1394 - 2010-05-28

All deaf people are assholes. This implant means less assholes in the world. Five stars.

azazel - 2010-05-28


Longshot- - 2010-05-28

I want one not because I'm deaf, but because I just wanna be a cyborg already, damnit.

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