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Comment count is 35
Riskbreaker - 2010-09-21


Toenails - 2010-09-21


jimmicampkin - 2010-09-21

You have GOT to be joking..

revdrew - 2010-09-21

Disgustingly hilarious.

pressed peanut sweepings - 2010-09-21

disrespecting the dead for your own satisfaction

Deconvolution - 2010-09-21

Maybe the mom should not have been smoking that cigar at 0:50, or the one at 3:18.

Macho Nacho - 2010-09-21

This is just as bad as the baby Juggalo funeral, possibly even worse than that.

StanleyPain - 2010-09-21





The Mothership - 2010-09-21

Born 29/11/2009. Pictures of dead baby taken 22/12/2009.

Somebody want to explain that?

Johnny Madhouse - 2010-09-21


SolRo - 2010-09-21


HankFinch - 2010-09-21

It's a doll, which makes things more creepy.
There's a lady that makes life-size realistic dolls of stillborns based on photos that you send her.

spork865 - 2010-09-21

Hello my baby, Hello My honey, Hello my ragtime gal...


Send me a kiss by wire, baby my heart's on fire!


If you refuse me, Honey, you'll lose me, then you'll be left alone;


Oh baby, telephone and tell me I'm your own!

*jazz hands*

Severian - 2010-09-21

I wasted a few minutes looking for that and some of the Samuel Bythel Haynes fan art, but came up empty, dammit.

RomancingTrain - 2010-09-21

http://friends.portalofevil.com/sp.php?si=3&fi=U9972&ti=1000613362 &pi=1000613362

chumbucket - 2010-09-22

I can't believe what I'm seeing, reading, or hearing! (I'm not sure most southern baptist churches would do this many verses on Sunday). I'm going to go drink the rest of the day and try to forget about the internet.

B. Weed - 2010-09-21

I suppose given the dead baby WEBRINGS POE-Red discussed back in the day, videos were inevitable.

rev.dinosaur - 2010-09-22

Mourning portraits have been around since early photography, but this incarnation through cheap video slideshow effects branches far into the grotesque. The black frown on its face at 3:29 pushing it over the edge for me.

Five stars!

MagickPoultry - 2010-09-21

Somehow I was most displeased with her spelling and grammar deficiencies, given the solemnity of the subject matter.

Seris - 2010-09-21

this is horrible, why would they showcase this

whose idea was it to take pictures of this occasion

why are the babies lips so black (stupid question maybe?)

what happened to the days where stillborn babies were disposed of upon birth

La Loco - 2010-09-21

She shat a dead one.

Buggerman - 2010-09-21

This is fucked up. I worked with a chick who had a miscarriage and she had a whole photo album of this blob of flesh that was smaller than the palm of your hand that barely resembled a human. She would walk around the lunch room showing off the photos.

The photos themselves were the worst part. She would pose with the blob of skin cells smiling and snuggling it.

She also had a funeral service and even had a eulogy written for the occasion.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2010-09-21

Okay, I take back what I said about TFL being the saddest thing on the internet. It's got to be hard for a mom who brings her child to full term and loses it. She had a real relationship with that baby, and yet the baby was never really a person. There's got to be real deep grief but how do you grieve someone with no life of her own? How do you remember someone who never said a word, performed an action, had a personality?

Maybe dressing the baby up and posing with it has some kind of therapeutic benefit, because giving the baby an identity allows people to get a handle on their grief. People have been doing it for years now, and you've got to believe that some health professionals are taking a role in this strange ritual.

Of course, this is particularly sad because of the uintentionally ironic use of birth announcement symbols. That is just unfortunate. But I support them in whatever they think will get them through this.

Grieving publicly on the web may seem exhibitionist, but it may be highly effective. I discovered that I could get over a busted relationship a lot faster by talking about it in IRC chat rooms. When you're trying to work out something painful, the internet lets you tell the story to a hundred different people instead telling the same story a hundred times to the same unfortunate friend. When I was tired of hearing the story myself, I was pretty much over it. In just a few days!

memedumpster - 2010-09-22

It does have all those things though, you see, the dead baby is just a "real world" avatar for the living baby's soul that now occupies the mother's new baby in Second Life.

Magical Man from Happy-Land - 2010-09-22

lol dead babies

zerobackup - 2010-09-22


badideasinaction - 2010-09-22

My first thought was "they prepaid for the cheesy baby video and they'd be damned if they weren't getting their money's worth".

TeenerTot - 2010-09-22

The grammar. The bear wipes. The wardrobe changes.
This is really awful. Sad and awful.

mashedtater - 2010-09-22

good god, yes.

and the name princess senior? there is no answer to that question.

Ghoul - 2010-09-22

Initially, I was disturbed by the inhumanity of some of the comments on this "dead baby" video. Then I watched the video, and I can't stop laughing.

The wipes... oh God the pregnancy test wipe.

spikestoyiu - 2010-09-22

If she were an animal, she probably would have just eaten it.

pastorofmuppets - 2010-09-22

You might argue that in this case it's been metabolized into YouTube views.

(side note: who else has Red Eye, Black Eye? There's a story in there that makes this stuff seem pretty classy)

Syd Midnight - 2010-09-22

In loving memory of the Samuel Bythel Haynes forum

paparatti - 2010-09-23

Oh my christ, this is the worst thing on the internet for so many reasons. An almost full term baby died, that legitimately a terrible thing. But then to make a video showcasing your loss in that way... so many photos of your dead baby... that everyone can see. Torn between throwing up and laughing hysterically :(

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-09-25

Imagine working at the kiosk where they make these videos and having someone show up with a bunch of dead baby pictures.

I miss datetherapist.

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