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Comment count is 7
erratic - 2010-10-17

The dancing instructions felt suspiciously similar to "hillbilly hare". sure enough, that came out 2 years earlier. Still, Disney is at their best when stealing from warner bros. And now, if you don't mind, I'll just put this beard back in the drawer for the night.

Rape Van Winkle - 2010-10-18

Haha, I totally remember this.

Rape Van Winkle - 2010-10-18

Wow. I didn't remember what a dick Donald was. I RETRACT MY STARS!

uwoeh - 2010-10-18

Pretty o.k., but could use some BLAM!

freedoom - 2010-10-18

More like Donald Dick, amirite?

Urburos - 2010-10-18

Seems like the Tom and Jerry formula right here. Two dicks out dicking each other.

Binro the Heretic - 2010-10-18

One of my childhood favorites. I remember it came on "The Wonderful World of Disney" along with "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and "Lonesome Ghosts" as their Halloween special.

I even had the vinyl album. On the front, it had sounds from the cartoon with a narrator describing the action. I think the back of the album had the song from the "Haunted Mansion" attraction. I used to play it on my portable Mickey Mouse record player.

Shit, I'm old.

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