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Comment count is 7
Oktay - 2010-11-20

This should come in handy when defending against mannequins. I am also curious about different techniques one might use against an assailant armed with a banana.

(I am obviously missing something, but the giggling soldiers support my point.)

TheOtherCapnS - 2010-11-21

This guy is well known for being a total sweetheart. A lot of older guys in the Russian army would just start raping their subordinates right out of the gate. This guy likes to ease them into the rape.

This is rape foreplay.

Adham Nu'man - 2010-11-21

This looks like a Russian Military re-enactment of the Black Dynamite Kung-Fu training scene.

Kumquatxop - 2010-11-21

now here is my famous 'pull the tablecloth off the table' magic trick!!!

. . . you cannot know the secrets of my magic. I must cover your head with the tablecloth.

dancingshadow - 2010-11-22

The flowers are still standing

Oscar Wildcat - 2010-11-21

Funny, it didn't taste like polonium.

lustygoat - 2010-11-21

Russians have some fucking weird-ass drinking games

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