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Comment count is 20
Cheese - 2006-01-26

Her life will never be the same, it'll be more faggoty.

Caminante - 2006-01-27

Yeah, I remember how horrified I was when I first learned about furrys.

JimL2 - 2006-01-27

Looks like POE has a new mascot! "Mainstream valley girl with a broadband modem...the parade kid"

furries-awesome - 2006-01-28

I eagerly await the next exciting episode of Clueless Girl. :)

xenocide - 2006-03-21

You know what else sucks? When you make us look up your nose, bitch.

Consuela - 2006-04-02

Cinema Verite at it's finest.

Xiphias - 2006-05-20

they go into the woods and find berries

King Prawn - 2006-05-24

I like how they turn her at the end

deadlydeathcone - 2006-05-31

Furries - quenching the will to live in 2 minutes or less.

jim - 2006-06-02

Little fluffy clouds and little fluffy clouds and little furry conventions louds and lililililililil

Zeis - 2006-06-09

It's fake, but still kinda funny.

TheSnake - 2006-06-15

If you watch you can see the twinkle of innocence fading in her eyes.

fattyfatty2x4 - 2006-06-27

well shes right about one thing, anime sucks

Concerned Citizen - 2006-06-30

1) She needs to blow her nose. 2) That guy has a great stuffed animal collection.

Hooper_X - 2006-07-07

I want to have dirty dirty sex with this girl for some inexplicable reason.

grimcity - 2006-07-08

...people ARE reallty weird! Like, lollergag!

Blueslipstream - 2006-07-30

It was hilarious until the 104th second. Then it was still worth watching.

phalsebob - 2006-12-08

Don't kill yourself! Kill those faggoty furries!

Pandatronic - 2007-01-14

People are, like, really, really weird.

Thatcher Pennywhistle - 2007-10-26

faggoty, hehe.

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