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Comment count is 6
Xenocide - 2011-03-06

From the title I have assumed that Gerald Ford made two attempts to assassinate people, but turned out to be just as good at it as could be expected.

Spit Spingola - 2011-03-06

It seems like there were more women trying to assassinate the president than there are now.

Hay Belly - 2011-03-06

If it's one men are good at, it's killing people.

Hay Belly - 2011-03-06

THING sigh

cognitivedissonance - 2011-03-06

To be fair, had somebody COMPETENT tried to kill Gerald Ford, it would've happened. Incompetents trying to assassinate and incompetent is a zero-sum ratio.

Charles - 2011-03-07

Holy shit my fucking ears.

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