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Comment count is 19
fedex - 2011-04-20

thats you isnt it?

abeli$con - 2011-04-20


hammsangwich - 2011-04-20

What a weirdo, look how small the tits are.

Adramelech - 2011-04-20

Immediate first thought. You figure if you were going to buy one of these things, you'd want it to be exaggerated and idealized. Then I realized he probably wants it to look "realistic" so he can talk to it and eat dinner with it and I got sad.

boner - 2011-04-20

Holy shit. Watch his "Why I cloned Brooke" video. "Her old body is somewhere nobody will ever find her"

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2011-04-20

either you submit it or i do

The Townleybomb - 2011-04-20

Glad to see that Gordon Griggs is still livin' the dream.

Zarathustra00 - 2011-04-20

Abyss Creations indeed.

Mother_Puncher - 2011-04-20

Considering your name and the content, this is great.

Mother_Puncher - 2011-04-20

I'm glad Youtube allows Jerry Brudos motherfuckers an outlet for their painful lonliness and sexual attraction for lifeless, human-like things they are going to fuck and cuddle but can never kiss back or share emotions.

kennydra - 2011-04-20

Is this the weird rednecky guy from the movie "guys and dolls"? it sounds just like him. and i remember he liked them dressed in like t shirt and boxers.

FABIO - 2011-04-21

For a second I was trying to remember if there was redneck character who fucked mannequins in front of Sky Masterson.

Albuquerque Halsey - 2011-04-20


delicatessen - 2011-04-21

This guy's in this BBC documentary about real doll owners.


Tobster - 2011-04-21

I knew I recognized the voice

Supahfly - 2011-04-21

I am glad they shipped them correctly.

spikestoyiu - 2011-04-21

No more sad and lonely than gadget unboxings.

theSnake - 2011-04-21

This is a contender for the best titled video ever submitted here

Post - 2011-04-21

I wonder if his wife will fit in the same box for the exchange

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