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Comment count is 16
Old_Zircon - 2011-06-01

We need to try harder if we're going to keep up with the Japanese.

CharlesSmith - 2011-06-01

I thought that the title was the real title at first and was all "There's no way these were the most needlessly complicated moves they could find..."

Menudo con queso - 2011-06-01

I can't get enough of the ridiculous Mexican lucha moves. Mistico! La Mistica! Mistico! La Mistica!

sosage - 2011-06-01

I had to rewatch the last one five times just to figure out wth was going on. Star for each replay.

Comatose2 - 2011-06-01

The assgrab finish is to make sure he knows who his daddy is.

CornOnTheCabre - 2011-06-01

submitter is the type of guy who scoffs at a sunset.

MongoMcMichael - 2011-06-01

Maybe, but not a sunset flip.

Hooker - 2011-06-01

Yupt. Stars for Mongo.

CornOnTheCabre - 2011-06-01


chumbucket - 2011-06-01

Surprisingly not a whole lot of bouncing off ropes and running around the ring moves.

oddeye - 2011-06-01

No people's elbow

Oscar Wildcat - 2011-06-01

It's like a redneck kama sutra.

Pillager - 2011-06-01

I could watch desecrators all day long.

SDAusmus - 2011-06-03

No Canadian Destroyer?!?!?!

SDAusmus - 2011-06-03

...or British Fall?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Riskbreaker - 2012-08-08

Why put la mistica and not Masato Yoshino's Torbellino? They are very similar.

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