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Comment count is 20
duck&cover - 2011-07-09

I-am-Paul. I-play-video-games-while-the-Master-is-away.

Xenocide - 2011-07-09


Burnov - 2011-07-09

Yes, he looks like Igor, lol.

But still, his complaints about steam are valid.

overall I like Steam for the online storefront and content delivery system that it is, but everything else about it is just shitty and intrusive.

However when you consider the alternative which is WGX, which drives me to despair for the future of PC gaming, I suppose its a symbiotic parasite that we have to "live with".

Burnov - 2011-07-09

Remember at one point steam during its early stages forced users to update and if the internet connection was slow or interrupted, you were basically fucked out of playing the game you paid good money for.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2011-07-09

yeah that was my one and only experience with steam. I'd bought half-life episode 1 and didnt have internet + library internet at college had firewall which prevented steam from working and ended up going to my sisters place in order to be able to play game... Then it crashed fucking constantly!!
also the program itself is horrible! one of those "I want to take over your whole system" deelies.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2011-07-09

actually valve and steam is such a crazy mix of incredibly good and incredibly shit! better than EA guess! (just shit and shit)

Burnov - 2011-07-09

Well, like I said, initially I was just like: "OMG F-U STEAM YOU CAN'T HAVE MY COMPUTER, IT'S MINE!"

But, after a lot of bitching from users they've streamlined a lot.

I still, being from the old school absolutely hate the fact that I have to have the Steam front end running while I'm playing a game.

If I've paid good money for it, its just disrespectful to force me to continue running the program if there's no legitimate need for it.

That aside, it really has opened up the indie market and recently I purchased X-com Apocalypse for change, and change well spent considering I can play that classic again.

So, yeah, there's good and bad, but boy was adjusting to Steam a trial on my nerves.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-07-09


Comeuppance - 2011-07-09

Preface: I haven't watched the video.

I have a similar concern with XBOX Live - I'm purchased some DLC and some full arcade games that becomes inaccessible when the internet is down, which is worrisome. Eventually, XBOX live will no longer exist, and they'll either have to disable that whole authentication system or just leave me with nothing but spent money. I'd like to be able to pop in New Vegas in a few years and still access the DLC, but I have a strong feeling that I'm going to be screwed because I didn't wait and buy it on a disc.

TheSupafly - 2011-07-09

I notice this blocks me out of certain save files in games I am playing sometimes as well.

StanleyPain - 2011-07-09

I was never a big fan of Caltrops, but this is petty and stupid. This guys' videos are dumb and, yeah, harharharhar he looks ugleee or whatever, but he makes a totally valid point in this video. The best the gaming world can come up with is makng fun of him rather than facing the obvious elephant in the room about services like steam.

FreeOJ - 2011-07-09

Agreed sir

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2011-07-09

This whole thing needs to be a .gif and posted every time someone bitches about Steam on a gaming forum.

FreeOJ - 2011-07-09

The low framerate makes this clip 5 stars

garcet71283 - 2011-07-09

Last time I checked...there is an offline mode.

Explodotron - 2011-07-09

shhhhhh, don't tell anybody

oddeye - 2011-07-09

offline mode doesn't do shit if the steam launcher crashes your fucking game.

oddeye - 2011-07-09

Alright, I'm going to lay down some HARD TRUTH about this issue:

This is entirely chet's fault for being a fat ugly asshole. Shit like this actively drives me to pirate games after I bought Alpha Protocol in a steam sale and found I couldn't actually play it on steam thanks to some patching bullshit.

I bought New Vegas but I still pirated it so it doesn't ever connect to steam.

tl:dr Chet forced me into a life of crime.

memedumpster - 2011-07-09

I had Steam for like a month and a half.
The group that makes a Steam Ripper will bring me back for more. No-client Mode is badly needed.

oddeye - 2011-07-09

Torrented games normally block steam. I torrent most games I buy unless it has multi-player which I would need to be online for anyway.

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