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Comment count is 14
SolRo - 2011-07-25


And wow, she's white...that must be important somehow, to someone's stereotype.

Toenails - 2011-07-26

White people have priority dyslexia to the point where they cry over video games.

Prove me wrong.

SolRo - 2011-07-26

So do black people, and brown people, and yellow people.


Rach_and_Roll - 2011-07-26

Yeah, SolRo! Don't you know that only white people can cry about stupid things? It's in their genetic makeup! Don't worry, Toenails. I got your back.

Toenails - 2011-07-26

citations needed.


Toenails - 2011-07-26

The very fact that I'm white and now I'm currently crying over the fact I was called an idiot over a video about a white girl crying over a video game only goes to prove I'm right.


spikestoyiu - 2011-07-26

Wasn't there a video of a black dude crying about anime for at least ten minutes posted here maybe a week ago?

Didn't some Chinese couple just get busted for selling their three kids for videogame money?

duck&cover - 2011-07-25

SWG = Stupid White Girl.

misterbuns - 2011-07-26

Oh man are you comedy writer?

duck&cover - 2011-07-26

Cool name, bro.

misterbuns - 2011-07-26

Oh you write for Family Guy!

oddeye - 2011-07-25

This is fake as hell. SWG should have been axed lllloooonnngggg ago but I still wish some of the ideas where put into other mmos or another sandbox mmo like it would come out.

sjohnson301 - 2011-07-26


Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2011-07-26

Looks like OJ won't be freed.

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