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Comment count is 7
cognitivedissonance - 2011-10-05

Featuring Robert Morley as a condensed version of every character Robert Morley ever played, ever.

Also, his middle name was "Adolph".

cognitivedissonance - 2011-10-05

American International Productions: The Elephant Graveyard of respected British establishment character actors.

EvilHomer - 2011-10-05

Right, so, the Multipart on this got screwed up. It keeps telling me "Auth Error3.x3a", and I've got no idea how to fix it.

The rest of the parts can be found quite easily through the YT channel, or you can refer to this list:


baleen - 2011-10-05

Multipart has been dead for a super long time.
I'm pretty sure Chet simply doesn't care about this site anymore, there's been so many violations of every kind that we can never hope for things to get fixed.

Pillager - 2011-10-06

Why did they stop counting linkbacks & page views?

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-10-05

I remember seeing this on TNT's Monstervision with Joe Bob Briggs. This is one of the best dark comedies ever made.

Syd Midnight - 2011-10-09

Not to mention the best Vincent Price parody, because nobody else could pull it off. This movie is a blast, he has so much fun.

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