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Desc:Hey kids, anthro dinosaurs! Self-aware theme song! Martial arts! Hip-hop! GIANT ANTHRO DINOSAUR!
Category:Cartoons & Animation, Horror
Tags:dinosaur, Horrible cartoon infinity, Cookie Jar, lets hit all the target markets at once
Submitted:Seven Arts/H8 Red
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Comment count is 29
Cena_mark - 2011-12-26

For the man in the pickle suit.

sosage - 2011-12-26

Homage to TMNT imitators of the late eighties/early nineties or just 20-something years too late?

garcet71283 - 2011-12-26

Going with kids of the late 80's now in their late twenties trying to sell kids of the late 00's on something that they enjoyed, but now it is 20 years too late.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2011-12-26

Or maybe it's as simple as "They're bringing back the ninja turtles, so maybe there's a bandwagon to hop on!"

BHWW - 2011-12-26

When I saw the title on the front page I thought of one of those TMNT knockoff comics from back during that time period, a (much deservedly) obscure little nothing called Dinosaurs for Hire about the adventures of a group of dinosaurs in the modern age who love eating tacos or some damn thing.

Also, I was browsing at a Half-Price Books last week and in the comics trade paperbacks section they had a battered looking copy of a trade collection of the first few issues of Adolescent Radioactive Black Belt Hamsters, yet another title from that era and arguably the most "successful" of them.

Sundry - 2011-12-26

The turtles have been returning for a decade now, obviously not being as succesful as their first run at it.
And kids in the UK probably don't have much options when it comes to action cartoons considering the UK policies about guns and blades.

duck&cover - 2011-12-26

Mayor McCheese?

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2011-12-26

I can only imagine that merging into one being has got to be akin to rape for the yellow dinosaur.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2011-12-26

Wait, this is a British show? Are they trying to make everyone who can speak properly or has any dignity decide to leave the country?

Seven Arts/H8 Red - 2011-12-26


"Kung Fu Dino Posse is a Republic of Korea-Germany-Canada-Singapore co-production among Sunwoo Korea, Optix Entertainment, Cookie Jar Entertainment, and Sunwoo Singapore."

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2011-12-26

And where is CITV broadcast?

Big Muddy - 2011-12-26

Kung-Fu Dino Pussy!
Kung-Fu Dino Pussy!

No, you can not unhear that.

CrimsonHyperSloth - 2011-12-27

You're right, you can't.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-12-27

That somehow makes it less terrible.

Xenocide - 2011-12-26

This show hates itself and is trying really hard to keep you from realizing that.

NewHeavenSalesman - 2011-12-26

Not since BOTS Master has there been a more cringe worthy cartoon rap theme.

Riskbreaker - 2011-12-26

Canada strikes again in the awful cartoon area!.

Cena_mark - 2011-12-26

Can Can'tada even make a good cartoon?

Toenails - 2011-12-26

Are you just trolling or are you not aware of the National Film Board of Canada?

No wait, you are aware of that. Hell, poetv gets "To Be" out of the hopper at least once a year.


Cena_mark - 2011-12-26

I'm not talking about short films or whatever else the Film Bored of Canada might put out. I'm talking about cartoons. All they put out is that My Life Me and Total Drama Island.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-12-26

Back in the 80's, pretty much anything on Nickelodeon worth watching came from Canada. Anything worth watching that wasn't from Canada was dubbed in English by Canada.

memedumpster - 2011-12-26

Bronies shouldn't be considered authorities on good cartoons.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-12-26


Cena_mark - 2011-12-26

I stand corrected memedumpster. You're right. I have no business judging.

memedumpster - 2011-12-26

I... I won.

It feels so hollow.

Cena_mark - 2011-12-27

Just because I became one doesn't mean I'm taking back all the shit I said about the bronies. I'm rarely wrong about anything, and I'm not wrong about bronies either.

Seven Arts/H8 Red - 2011-12-26

Britain. Starz! airs the show in the US.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-12-26

"They'll never let us get away with making the world's worst theme song unless we attach to a show."

cognitivedissonance - 2011-12-27

Well I think it looks fantastic.

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