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Desc:He goes up to the counter, tries to explain the Brony fandom to the server who asks why he's filming
Category:Nature & Places, Pets & Animals
Tags:autism, mcdonalds, my little pony, Happy meal, more like Despair Meal
Submitted:Pope Caius
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Comment count is 29
Grumpwagon - 2012-03-13

It's just to bad that he can't pretend that's a wawity.

The Mothership - 2012-03-13

Don't you people SEE?

Cena_mark - 2012-03-13

I saw this atrocity coming almost a year and you didn't listen.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2012-03-14

We all saw this coming. We were just all in denial.

Cena_mark - 2012-03-13

So socially inept. He can't even politely ask the employee behind the counter to change the toys for him.
Wainbow Dash and Wawity. We're bwonies.

memedumpster - 2012-03-13

The Sad Machine by Memedumpster S. Burroughs

Drive thru alarms and crowded people as the pony lumbered crossways over checkered tiles to the swinging door now locked tight like cattle gates barring its confused advances. In each hand it held a mirror of the object in the other hand and somewhere between God's day off and the sun it missed coming up that morning this brought confusion. Exchange alarms as the girl sauntered cattle gate over confused advances, inquiring as to its manifestation at her God's day off. "Applejack," it spoke, lips parting behind video recorded fingerprinting across the great tubes of its stardom, the girl taking the offending relics and alarms. "God's day off," confused cattle mirror barring crowded pony sun somewhere tiles in each hand, lips parting behind morning brought confusion. Drive thru alarms and crowded Applejack relics as one pony became heterogenous to the whole. God's swinging video.

EvilHomer - 2012-03-13

Damn you memedumpster. Spiwit buwbs.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-03-13

Glad I saved mine.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2012-03-14

I wuv you.

badideasinaction - 2012-03-14

Take these, use them wisely.

StanleyPain - 2012-03-14

Did I ever tell you the story about the man who taught his My Little Pony figures to talk?

biclops - 2012-03-13

When he says "Huge counter culture" he means a culture of huge people that stand at counters and creep out teenage girls.

EvilHomer - 2012-03-13

Twelve minutes of this? Really?

Five staws.

NewHeavenSalesman - 2012-03-13

The March Madness brackets on his tray mean something, but I'm not sure what.

Also god damn that server ran fast.

BHWW - 2012-03-13

Broken nerds who cannot understand how alien and niche their weird obsessions are to other, functional people - the bronies are perhaps the ultimate version of this.

Spoonybard - 2012-03-13

About six minutes in, he uses the toys to act out a scene from an episode from memory. It's almost word-for-word, which is how I found the transcript online.

The Mothership - 2012-03-14

oh, ewwwww....

Macho Nacho - 2012-03-14

And his volume level became exceptionally high.

Riskbreaker - 2012-03-14

The legacy of Chris Chan will live, in the hearts and minds of all these guys.

EvilHomer - 2012-03-14

I like to imagine that 2,000 years from now, Chris Chan will be remembered as a sort of Christ-figure, and these folks as His disciples. The whole world will consist of aspies like this, playing with plastic Pony toys while robots take care of their society's mundane functions, and they'll look back on us mockers and scoffers and puzzle at our ignorance of basic concepts, like the difference between Rarity and Applejack.

Cena_mark - 2012-03-14

Well Rarity and Applejack are about as different as 2 ponies can be, yet they are able to be friends.

EvilHomer - 2012-03-14

Like you and baleen. Or you and Caminante. Or whatever other alter-ego you're using these days.

Friendship really is magic!

Cena_mark - 2012-03-15

I guess its like that.

Redford - 2012-03-14

"more like Despair Meal" needs to be an active tag, somehow. I'm not sure how.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2012-03-14

There are several burger place fight videos that would qualify.

sosage - 2012-03-14

The stwuggling with the pwastic bag when opening his pwonies.

Riskbreaker - 2012-03-15


EvilHomer - 2014-03-13

It's strange to think this was just two years ago!

I've corresponded with Mr White via email since this video came out. He's actually a really nice guy, and he treats this whole fiasco with a healthy dose of self-depreciating humor. He's got a new webseries on Youtube that you guys should check out, if you've got the time; it's very autistic, but it's earnest, and he's got a really great work ethic. Reminds me of a pony Ulillillia.

Eternalurker - 2014-06-11

"Mashups based on this one pony show..." Mc-D's minion smirks... perfect.

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