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Comment count is 10
jangbones - 2012-05-21

"In the film (Honest Man: The Life of R. Budd Dwyer, a full-length feature documentary about Dwyer), William Smith, the man whose testimony led to the conviction of Dwyer, stated that he had lied under oath in order to get a better sentencing for himself, thus revealing the accusations against Dwyer to be false, hence the film's title."

Ursa_minor - 2012-05-21

Goddamnit, Budd.

decoy - 2012-05-21

there's such a thing as too hard core

FreeOJ - 2012-05-21

Quite the dramatic exit

13.5 - 2012-05-21

Hey Man Nice Speech

Kind of hastily delivered though, he seems nervous about something

As a PD, I've always found this trope kind of annoying, from the middle class clients I get. "I always thought that justice in America was fair, and that sentences weren't ridiculously long, and that no one innocent went to jail, but now I've learned that's just not true!"

Correction pal: You always thought the cops would never hassle _you_, and you never bothered to learn anything about it beyond nodding with approval whenever some monster got handed down a mammoth sentence

exy - 2012-05-21

I think you're on to something. On the other hand, this is a pretty effective way of drawing attention to your statement.

He's lucky he wasn't already disenfranchised so that he didn't have to go the kerosine route, and got to talk first.

Blue - 2012-05-22

Legalized murder on behalf of the state was okay with this guy. He belonged in prison for the rest of his life for those votes.

Also, am I the only person creeped out by the fact that people that perform executions don't have to register like sex offenders? These are dangerous sociopaths and we have the right to know if they are living in our communities.

Unmerciful Crushing Force - 2012-05-24

Do soldiers creep you out too? Aren't they just little sociopaths wanting to kill and rape everything in their path?

Syd Midnight - 2012-05-24

It's only murder if you do it in your street clothes. I think that's a basic neurological problem inherent in our species. Someone should find out.

Like dress some chimpanzees in little uniforms and teach them to use truncheons and have a Stanford Monkey Prison experiment, see if they turn into vicious bullies. But a few would use their authority to escape and start beating up scientists and mauling grad students then some cops or campus security would show up and instinctively start helping them and thats how the planet of the apes gets started.

Hay Belly - 2012-05-27

Clearly you don't have to drive on the same road as them UCF or else you'd quickly change your mind and want them all dead. Because they are just that if you are obeying the law.

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