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Desc:Over one hour of Uli talking about the project, grab a beer and enjoy
Category:Video Games, Educational
Tags:ocd, ulillillia, Plataform Masters
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Comment count is 9
blue vein steel - 2012-06-11

he's basically a modern Henry Darger

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-06-11

Games tend to cap things annoyingly and 99 lives is a common one. I'm merely just removing that cap, taking it to just shy of 4.295 billion (the limit of an unsigned 32-bit integer), a feat that will take a good 10 years of play to reach and that's one of the fastest stats to max out.

ulillillia in reply to MrWeirdGuy 13 hours ago

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-06-11

If you don't have an hour and a half to listen to U-dawg, skip to the last 20 or so minutes if you just want a summary of how much work he has left to do. The total amount of time is at the very end of the clip.

NewHeavenSalesman - 2012-06-11

developer commentary? This will be the only deluxe version of anything worth getting ever.

blue vein steel - 2012-06-11

i'm always amazed when he say "some detail not really worth doing"

theSnake - 2012-06-11

I'm buying this when it comes out and probably won't even play it. I hope he becomes a millionaire for no reason other than it makes me smile.

bopeton - 2012-06-12

Don't bother, it takes almost 500 years to max out a bank account.

Chocolate Jesus - 2012-06-12

Even with the fastest scoring method: non-stop 24/7 of doing the same thing over and over again.

boner - 2012-06-12

What if the secret to living 500 years is a diet of de-greased frozen pizzas?

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