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Desc:great, more horrors from beneath the surface with knives for feet
Category:Pets & Animals, Horror
Tags:Spider, Discovery, caves, trogloraptor, switchblade claws
Submitted:The Mothership
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Comment count is 14
Riskbreaker - 2012-08-19

Why science? WHY?!

fedex - 2012-08-19

at first I thought this guy was on crack (well maybe he is) but it's actually true:


however they are only 3-4 centimeters across with legs extended so I think we can all sleep easy tonight

misterbuns - 2012-08-19

Praise Him!

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-08-19

These words he speaks are true.
We're all humanary stew.
Unless we pledge alliegince to
The Black Widow.


cognitivedissonance - 2012-08-19

Damn it, where did I put that Light of Elendil?

Hugo Gorilla - 2012-08-19

I was going to make a joke about drow elves but this is nerdier.

Gmork - 2012-08-19

Spiders need families too. To eat.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2012-08-19

This is what that dude saw at the end of Mountains of Madness that caused him to lose it. I'm convinced.

Pillager - 2012-08-19

And then they napalmed the cave, right?

Anaxagoras - 2012-08-19

These things thrive on napalm.

Eternalurker - 2012-08-19

Mandibles capable of injecting overkill venom are such a common theme on invertebrates??? So we can at least guess it's deadly brand of toxin feels more like a swipe from a cougar than a tiny arachnid's bite. :))
Nature, elle est belle n'est-elle pas?

BHWW - 2012-08-19

Wait, "more"?

TSR - 2012-08-19

Switchblades and scythes are completely different things!

Robin Kestrel - 2012-08-19

They're like cups, or spoons, or sponges!

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