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Desc:Not at all drunk political analyst TFLBill explains how Obama won, thinks there are only 40 states.
Category:News & Politics, Educational
Tags:true forced loneliness, TFL, bill122460, tfl bill, too dumb to vote
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Comment count is 21
Sudan no1 - 2012-11-08


The God of Biscuits - 2012-11-08

The real evil is that there are people even dumber than this.

Old_Zircon - 2012-11-08


Old_Zircon - 2012-11-08

Sorry, I guess that's George CarlOn. He's fair game.

fourthguy - 2012-11-08

George Car Lawn

Sudan no1 - 2012-11-08

Oh, he'll quickly drop Carlin once he hears/reads "The Male Disease"

Old_Zircon - 2012-11-08

122-4601 is the fax number for Viva La Paz Car Rentals in Baja. CONICIDENCE?

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-11-08

That math is brilliant.

Old_Zircon - 2012-11-08

New England is one state.

divinitycycle - 2012-11-08

I can't believe how crappy everything about this is, right from the opening. I can't get my head around the idea of being technically savvy enough to do a screen capture and grab a YouTube video that way, but then being retarded and terrible enough to think "Hey, I should put that as the opening of MY video!"
Seriously?!? There are like a bajillion "save a video from YouTube to a file" programs. Shit, there are even some websites that'll do it for you FOR FREE.

This all went through my head in the first like 10 seconds of watching this. followed by "Wait, so he's using a George Carlin in a political context. Does this mean he equates himself with George Carlin? FUUCK THIS GUY!"

Seriously, this is like a Pandora's box of crappiness, it just keeps on giving...

Pillager - 2012-11-08

I feel soo sorry for his family.

20:00 of this crap is agony. I can't wrap my head around the sheer misery of talking to Bill on a daily basis.

StanleyPain - 2012-11-08

I like how whenever a left-leaning or liberal candidate wins anything in this country, it somehow forces morons like this to learn something about the fucking real world they've been ignoring for their entire lives.

Old_Zircon - 2012-11-08

I heard plenty of left leaning people say stuff almost as stupid as this when Bush won his second term. It was almost worse because most of them were otherwise intelligent, well educated people.

memedumpster - 2012-11-09

I think it's normal for people too young to have seen several elections to have an automatic sense of immediate radicalism when faced with the weight of political decisions. It takes two, more like three election cycles before the patterns become noticeable and the immediacy seems like bullshit as the common con becomes evident. Then, you read something from sixty years ago where politicians were whining about immigration, the economy, jobs, foreign wars, foreign influence, and evil progressives, and you laugh. Bill disturbs me because he should have noticed this decades ago.

PegLegPete - 2012-11-08

True forced politics should be a tag. This is the first time I've really watched a TFL Bil video at any length and he seems obviously drunk, but is he really this stupid?

Pillager - 2012-11-08

Over the years, Bill Greathouse has gone into excruciating details of his post revolution rape fantasies. He's linked NWO, 9/11 truthers, & pro wresting deaths into one big conspiracy package. He's passed Stupidville & now owns a great deal of real estate in Psychocity.

Eroticus E - 2012-11-08

Foo ju and foo ju and foo ju.

fourthguy - 2012-11-08

90% of all conspiracy theories is actual truth.

Rudy - 2012-11-08

Bill need to go back to Electorial College.

YakooMarkTwo - 2012-11-08

Every time he says "electorial"... do a shot.

Chancho - 2012-11-08

Lip smacking good!

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