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Desc:HAARP is changing humanity into an artificial race via sky morgellons
Category:Science & Technology, Educational
Tags:transhumanism, chemtrails, Morgellons, nanotechnology, MultiGazman
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Comment count is 7
SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-02-10

Wait, we're being turned into machines via nanotech?

How can we make this go faster? I want wireless porn-o-net direct downloading into my brain NOW. Then we can work on the laser cannons, jetpacks, and artificial organs that never break down!

"Alternative Research Community" is another term for "stark raving loonies," isn't it?

And as for miss "why are these heavily-vaccinated kids so sick" lady, I don't suppose she realizes that from the second we're born, we're being exposed to millions of foreign things every minute that our immune systems have to figure out on the fly. Vaccines are a drop in the bucket.

cognitivedissonance - 2013-02-10

I didn't like transhumanism before, but gosh darn it, with enemies like these, I'll just have to hitch my wagon to that star.

Old_Zircon - 2013-02-10

More reasonable than Kurzweil.

memedumpster - 2013-02-10

An entire video of words with no meaning or connection to reality. The noises of deaf animals.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2013-02-10

Actually, it's about putting your right foot in and taking your right foot out.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-02-10

So why do all of these guys concentrate on contrails when distributing this fictional nano-fairy dust via car exhaust or smokestacks would be so much easier and hit more of the population at once?

Blue - 2013-02-10

Whenever I hear these type of conspiracy theories I am always reminded of that scene in "Mom and Dad Save the World" where Dick comes across the resistance fighters and they're all wearing bird mask and he asks them "Do you really have birds this size on your planet?" and they answer "no".

If planes didn't leave contrails, why the fuck would we rig them to spray chemicals like that?

Well, the good news is the passengers can't see us spraying the mystery chemicals. The bad news is that everybody else can. Literally people can walk outside and look up and see that we sprayed them with something even hours after the spraying took place.

They're meticulous and methodical, so much so that no first hand accounts of their activities has ever leaked out. Their answer to the disappointing results of this test run was to rush that shit to production and just convince everybody it was a completely new kind of cloud.

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