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Comment count is 15
Raggamuffin - 2013-05-04

Why didn't she stab him?

EvilHomer - 2013-05-04

Because he was unarmed and totally not expecting it, so stabbing him would be unsportsmanlike.

EvilHomer - 2013-05-04

There's different videos for every possible capture combination. The Black Bishop and the Black Queen are my two favorite pieces so far.

Raggamuffin - 2013-05-04

I love how the Black team is always the "Evil" side, even though White always starts the war.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-05-04

Gotta love those scanlines. That takes me back.

godot - 2013-05-04

So pawn takes pawn en passant has some heavy homoeroticism?

Aelric - 2013-05-04

Guys, you don't even know the unbriddled joy of owning this game in 2000, before youtube made ever obscure video available to everyone. The pawn vs. knight with black capturing was particularly good if you can find it.

BlisteredButtress - 2013-05-04

I looked up the rook videos to be disappointed it wasn't a giant moving castle/statue.

Senator_Unger - 2013-05-05

There is no sound but when the white bishop takes the black queen, he stabs her in the temple. Also, what happens when a pawn gets to the last row?

kingarthur - 2013-05-05

The Mystery Of Chess Raping.

twinkieafternoon - 2013-05-05

When Bishop takes Pawn, is it a pedophilia joke?

That guy - 2013-05-05

What every chess player wants ever time a piece is taken: 70 seconds of campy bullshit, all game, every game, same videos over and over.

The Mothership - 2020-11-25

Yes. This is what video game designers think.

StanleyPain - 2013-05-05

He looks really surprised at the end...did he not stab her or what?

Bort - 2015-07-19

??? She stabbed herself rather than be raped.

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