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Comment count is 22
The Mothership - 2013-05-07

Video isn't exactly as described, but holy fucking shit. Holy fucking shit.

BiggerJ - 2013-05-07

That's because it defaults to the wrong view. Click the thumbnail under the video that has the black guy - it should be on the far right. If you're using NoScript, you'll need do allow echoenabled.com.

I'm looking for a replacement video now.

BiggerJ - 2013-05-07

Link submitted.

BiggerJ - 2013-05-07

*defaults to the wrong video

The Mothership - 2013-05-07

Man, we eat RIBS! God bless, Charles.

kingarthur - 2013-05-07

Guys, the CNN coverage of this. Oh my god, you guys. CNN is soooooo god damned stupid.

fedex - 2013-05-07

you only getting that NOW?

well anyway, this man, honest to the core, calling 'em like he sees 'em, will one day ascend into the highest ranks of office of this fair nation and therein craft a lasting peace that shall see our childrens' children achieve the dreams of interstellar spaceflight that our generation once only dreamed of.

RocketBlender - 2013-05-07

No TV here, just Internet, can someone give me the highlights of the CNN coverage? Did they mourn the loss of the kidnapper's career?

Quad9Damage - 2013-05-07

Probably talking about how devastating it is that Charles ruined this kidnapper's potential.

Quad9Damage - 2013-05-07

The Nancy Grace coverage will likely be godawful: "Now Charles, being a black man, how much rape would you speculate went on in that house? Was there rape going on when you broke into the house? Did you ever think you might have seen rape going on in the windows?"

kingarthur - 2013-05-08

They weren't speculating about Charles, they were speculating on every violation she may have experienced over the years. And yes, I've known CNN to be stupid for quite a while. It's just that I work nights alone and basic cable is all I have to keep me company.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2013-05-07

Ten YEARS trapped with some maniac. HOLY FUCK.

Bort - 2013-05-07

That's the thing nobody has mentioned: what sort of amazing coincidence is it that these girls go missing, and this same guy finds them all and takes them home?

I've driven near Seymour Avenue lots of times, so odds are I've been within 500 feet of this house.

il fiore bel - 2013-05-07

The fact that there are more maniacs in the world who honestly believe they are entitled to inflicting the same kind of bullshit on an innocent party would be the greater 'holy fuck' to me.

I just don't understand those kinds of people. Why would anyone do this? Why would anyone think it okay to destroy someone's life while putting on this big act that they're worth anything more than a fecal smear on the wall?

jangbones - 2013-05-07

his 911 call is one of the best ever

http://media.cleveland.com/pdextra/audio/amanda-berry-911-call -2.mp3

Bort - 2013-05-07

It's quite a call. Sadly, it also reveals the street address and Charles's phone number.

While there are some folks, such as myself, who are tempted to use this information nearly constructively (such as to deliver him some McDonalds, weed, and hookers), you just know he's going to be harrassed.

American Standard - 2013-05-07

Someone buy this man a drink.

Bort - 2013-05-07

Most professional comedians don't have the style or delivery of this guy.

snothouse - 2013-05-07

This happened three streets down from me!

Quad9Damage - 2013-05-07

Charles, have some karma, McDonalds and ribs on me.

I had to watch the end twice. At first I thought his thumbs up to the camera was a 'call me' gesture.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-05-07

The whole world loves this guy now, and rightly so!

il fiore bel - 2013-05-07

Bless you, sir.

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