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Desc:An atheist sympathizer/Christian hater used Wolf to let an atheist denounce god on TV.
Category:Religious, Accidents & Explosions
Tags:conspiracy, conservatives, glenn beck, derp, forces of spiritual darkness
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Comment count is 13
Old_Zircon - 2013-05-24

Glenn Beck is a belieber.

Born in the RSR - 2013-05-24

It was there to sap our precious spiritual fluids.

mon666ster - 2013-05-24

IT'S ALL A CONSPIRACY PEOPLE! EVERYTHING IS A CONSPIRACY!! Seriously, the right wing in North America have so completely divorced themselves from reality that "dialogue" is no longer possible.

Riskbreaker - 2013-05-24

Beck is already an Alex Jones 2, and i have the feeling the entire right wing land is going straight to cuucko land at this rate.

themilkshark - 2013-05-24

Dialogue is counter-productive. The GOP wants its base to be deathly afraid of Democrats and their supporters, it makes campaigns easier.

memedumpster - 2013-05-24

Beck is Alex Jones 2 like Super Saiyan Goku is Master Roshi 2. Alex Jones is a speedbump on the road to Beck's ultimate destiny.

RockBolt - 2013-05-24

Its the same mentality of the batshit gangstalker people, that the entire world is gainfully employed with the purpose of surrounding you with minor inconveniences and twisting reality to something you find uncomfortable

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-05-24

I'm no fashion expert, but is wearing a pink shirt and green tie actually "right," even for TV? Is he sending out a coded message or just trying to make people think something is wrong with their flatscreens?

chumbucket - 2013-05-24

Doug Stanhope is raising funds for her.

fluffy - 2013-05-24

of course you'd cut off the next part of the thing where she explicitly said she didn't blame anyone for thanking God

RockBolt - 2013-05-24

The forces of spiritual darkness need to step it up a bit

kingarthur - 2013-05-24

Douchey sad sack says what?

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-05-25

Could you imagine the bullshit you would hear working at Glenn Beck's office? There must be no logic filter on any thing, just pure, unadulturated FEELINGS.

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