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Comment count is 7
EvilHomer - 2013-10-23

Jesus. These are some of the tamest "porn addicts" I've ever seen. Who's the BBC's target audience with this documentary? 80 year old Torries who would be shocked to learn that "searching for porn is legal"?

It is really, really awkward, though.

blue vein steel - 2013-10-23

yeah, until you start investing in a 00 real doll, you don't need your own special

The Mothership - 2013-10-23

This makes me feel pretty good about myself.

memedumpster - 2013-10-24

No I do not want to watch "Raped in India," YouTube.

This is kind of boring.

EvilHomer - 2013-10-24

The most exciting part is the party van around 19:00 or 20:00. It's a perfect illustration of why Great Britain is shit.

After that it goes back to just being a fat kid with a Christian mum blubbing about bullies.

Old_Zircon - 2013-10-24

The therapy session is the best part, I think.

Syd Midnight - 2013-10-27

I'm gonna skip it but I have always wondered how guys become a 'porn addict'. Do they purposely not jack off or something?

Or are they masturbating to reasonable amounts of porn but really religious or something? Like they have a complex subconscious fetish for martyrdom and humiliation, so every time they get horny and beat off they have to tell their friends and church group and God about it and how dirty and sinful it was and also approximately how long its been since they last did it?

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