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Desc:The easy part is proving the christian gods existence, the hard part is making me worship it.
Category:Religious, Crime
Tags:Christian, ronald reagan, reagan, prayer, cindy jacobs
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Comment count is 6
takewithfood - 2013-10-25

So, let me get this straight: God tells your kid that the President is going to be assassinated, so that your kid can tell you, so that you can tell God, and ask Him to do something about it. And in response, God still lets Reagan get shot, but just a little bit, and not fatally.

Makes perfect sense. Good job, you guys.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-10-26

By not telling the authorities, can't she and her kid be arrested for aiding and abetting the attempted assassination of a sitting president?

I'd like to think it does.

baleen - 2013-10-26

I actually think that if God exists, he would save Reagan from being shot simply to stop him from becoming a martyr. Could you imagine the mandate Reagan's cohorts would have if he was beatified more than he already is? It's taken 20 years for a presidential candidate to even question the validity of his benefit to the economy.

EvilHomer - 2013-10-26

SPK - under current national security laws? Probably.

memedumpster - 2013-10-26

I'm impressed, God should have written Lost, 24, and CSI : Jerusalem.

exy - 2013-10-26

This one time I was thinking about shrimp, and then out of nowhere I hear this guy say "plate of shrimp." No explanation.

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