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Desc:Could this be the longest 'Wake up, SHEEPLE' documentary on Youtube (almost 4 hours).
Category:News & Politics, Crime
Tags:Illuminati, new world order, conspiracy theory, tinfoil hat, Eye of Providence
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Comment count is 4
Ocyrus - 2013-11-23

Anyone able to sit through four hours of this yet?

StanleyPain - 2013-11-24

I put it on in the background for about 90 minutes while I was doing something else and it's basically distilled batshit craziness. It was made by a YouTube user who claims that the Illuminati are someone manipulating sound-waves and vibrations (or something like that) to alter human DNA and most of what I played was this long explanation of the bullshit pseudoscience, new age crap that you would have to force your poor, addled brain to believe in order to even begin accepting that harmonic frequencies can alter DNA. The whole video would probably be more like an hour long if he didn't insist on constantly putting in clips from movies, the news, other documentaries, etc.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2013-11-24



Jet Bin Fever - 2013-11-25

You sure you couldn't have just condensed this to a nice little brochure or pamphlet?

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