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Comment count is 19
Monkey Napoleon - 2013-11-26

Somebody's getting laid in the porta-potty tonight!

chumbucket - 2013-11-26

Only if it has a changing table.

Simillion - 2013-11-26

take em

gambol - 2013-11-26


Ghoul - 2013-11-26

Don't do drugs. You could have really gross sex and be totally fine with it.

gambol - 2013-11-26


TeenerTot - 2013-11-26

Why don't more anti-drug PSAs look like this?

gambol - 2013-11-26


memedumpster - 2013-11-26

Her hair is stringy gold
Her lips chapped surprise
Her hands are always cold
She's got Terri Schiavo eyes

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-11-26


gambol - 2013-11-26


candyheadrobot - 2013-11-26

For the above.

gambol - 2013-11-26


gambol - 2013-11-26


poopy - 2013-11-26


Innocent Bystander - 2013-11-26

"This is so fucking trippy I gotta put the pacifier in!"

Scrimmjob - 2013-11-26

Hand dancing should be outlawed!

hammsangwich - 2013-11-26

If the music sucks so bad that you have to take drugs that make you want to bite your tongue off, then you should consider a different genre.

Sludge Vohaul - 2022-11-05

The vid is long gone but the comments live on.

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