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Comment count is 16
ashtar. - 2014-02-07

This is worth an hour of my time, but my time is worth very little.

DerangedGoblin - 2014-02-07

Stars for "Is it a holy image or a BUCKET OF FILTH?!!"

Accidie - 2014-02-07


Boomer The Dog - 2014-02-07

My favorite movie of theirs is Doggiewoggiez! Poochiewoochiez! They liked that a Dog was coming to see their shows too.

Stars are for the first 5 minutes, watching more later..


baleen - 2014-02-07

Hi Boomer!!! I love you man.

Boomer The Dog - 2014-02-07

Beleen, you must be from EIT then.. Don't give it away, just tell me at the next show. Seriously Doggiewoggiez! was a great experience, and I always have visitors asking about the Jerry tapes I have stacked up for Maguire Watch.



baleen - 2014-02-07

I am not from EIT, I am from POETV. We know who you are here as well.

EvilHomer - 2014-02-08

Yeah, you've mentioned your love for EIT and Doggiewoggiez! in particular before.

Don't listen to baleen, though. He is from EIT. poeTV is just his cover identity.

Boomer The Dog - 2014-05-01

I would think that someone from EIT has at least been to this site. I was just watching the Wegman Weimaraner part at 1:07, Fay's Christmas.

jreid - 2014-02-07

For Vincent.

jreid - 2014-02-07

(45 mins)

Bort - 2014-02-08

This world was never meant for one as fabulous as you.

Stopheles - 2014-02-07

That's a spoooooonful a' Che Guevara.

Gypsy_Dildo_Factory - 2014-02-07

Dear PoeTV.
So thanks for the video; I skipped to 12:00 because the mary jesus stuff isv boring-- the rest is ++alright! ...I have basically watched everything is terible for hours some-times choosing just by following link-after-link or if I know what something is. Here it is selected and stuff I wouldn't maybe have ever clicked for.

Thank you,
G.D. "CheetoFax" Factory

PS Heardof Teen Challenge?

If Y see below vvvvv

(13:xx minutes possibly but in the cocaine part it has the **¡¡"Founder of Teen Challenge"!!** that's still a sleazeball organization who may say after the blah blah wants money/has a T-shirt corroborating story and seems OK]they'lll say something like "we run a (adjectives, nouns, gerund) to help people, that's why we're here)"----they are lying or just think it means the same as Jesus Cult to Save Drug-Troubled Young People; they run a house of litany, warped scientlogical mind control : proselytizers, basically-- you can see them soliciting donations near interstate entrances to cities).

hammsangwich - 2014-02-08

My wife asked what I was watching. I had to say "Angela Lansbury taking a bath."

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-02-13

I watched this on DVD at my brothers, and my primary complaint is that the parts are so much better than the sum. I just wish that they hadn't overeditted so much.

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