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Desc:I had no idea this existed until 5 minutes ago. Maybe make a theme week on discovey?
Category:Arts, Educational
Tags:Ring, dancing, street performer, Things I discovered this week week
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Comment count is 8
Potter - 2014-03-16

That is a Cyr Wheel and it is far more difficult then it looks.

Wander - 2014-03-16


oddeye - 2014-03-16

Looks like a whole shit-ton of difficult to me pal. Also how does he not just fucking barf all the time doing this?

Binro the Heretic - 2014-03-16

I've seen people perform in those double-ring things, but this is awesome on a whole other level.

infinite zest - 2014-03-17

There was a guy back in Madison who did this, albeit he was a dreadlocked white dude and not a badass-kung-fu-master-looking-guy. Also if I recall, he did his routine to a Pink Floyd song.

ashtar. - 2014-03-16

This guy is clearly a fighting game character. The dance-busking is only to finance his underground martial arts tournament entry fees.

CuteLucca - 2014-03-17

That man has earned the 12 cents I had left over from lunch.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-03-17

I want to see someone do this while dressed like Abraham Lincoln. They could also do it dressed as Washington, Jefferson, or in a wheelchair as FDR, though that may be a stretch.

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