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Comment count is 11
exy - 2014-05-04

Which AP photos were these from?


exy - 2014-05-04

Smarmy lady #2 is a genius. I want to cause pain despite my awareness of satire

Bort - 2014-05-04

Too unrealistic even for the Onion; I seriously doubt Bush feels any remorse over dead Iraqis.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2014-05-04

Ghosts don't need remorse to qualify for a class A haunting.

Bush will be haunted until he dies and their souls drag him to the caves of the Dark Lord, all the while screaming for Cheney to come and help him. Only to see Cheney when he gets there, dressed in a hunting uniform, getting shot in the head repeatedly every five minutes.

Bort - 2014-05-04

If there's an actual for-real ghost following Bush around, I bet Bush thinks his name is "Pedro" and he's the cleaning lady's son.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2014-05-04

"Why is Pedro always painting my walls with all my red paint?"

"George, dear that's the blood of the innocent."

"Oh good, as long as it isn't my cadmium red."

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2014-05-04

I still find it hilarious that his portraits are all of people from the first page of GIS results when you google their names.

These are people he's met. SURELY he's got actual photos of them somewhere, but no, his assistant grabbed the ol' laptop and gave the minimal effort. Which, I suppose, is part and parcel with Bush's talent.

Pillager - 2014-05-04

I don't feel rage. I feel sadly resigned to the fact that WWI faultlines are about to rumble again.

Pillager - 2022-05-23

8 years.


SolRo - 2022-05-23

Good thing we spent that 8 years negotiating for peace.

memedumpster - 2014-05-04

What did that Iraqi child do to be damned to follow Bush around? Allah is a dick.

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