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Desc:literal orthodox jewish cabal takes over public school board to destroy it/get revenge for taxes
Category:Crime, Educational
Tags:jewish, assholes, public school, East Ramapo, Hasidic
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Comment count is 17
Charon - 2014-09-23

Five for rage bait.

kamlem - 2014-09-23

We should start a "podcast" tag.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-09-23

Haha, oh SolRo.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2014-09-23

I like how Poetv is gradually turning into this toxic clash of Tumblr and Stormfront with a dash of sane people.

SolRo - 2014-09-23

you didn't even listen to it, did you?

StanleyPain - 2014-09-23

It's funny that someone who would engage in hyperbole this idiotic (criticizing Jews = OMG NEO NAZIS) would even invoke the word tumblr as some kind of negative around here.

poorwill - 2014-09-23

What's with Russians and racism?

SolRo - 2014-09-23

How about you close your eyes and imagine that these conservative orthodox Hasidic Jewish assholes are conservative evangelical Christian assholes...and they're doing the exact same horrible shit.

stupid jackass.

poorwill - 2014-09-23

russians drive like this
jews drive like this

Scrimmjob - 2014-09-23

The parking lot lawyer confrontation bit is like something out of a movie. Fucking hilarious that it all stemmed from someone calling him an asshole, you'd think as an asshole lawyer, you'd get used to that sort of thing.

Dinkin Flicka - 2014-09-23

Hedwig fan?

Potter - 2014-09-23

I heard this in the car the other day, if there was ever justification for all the nasty things said about jews, these folks are it.

Hands down one of the nastiest things I've ever heard civilized people doing to each other. I am genuinely surprised this has not been met with violence.

Kid Fenris - 2014-09-23

This isn't too far from where I used to work, and it's downright disturbing. I suspect you'd hear a lot more about it if the defunded school district was still predominantly white kids, but that goes without saying.

But hey, it's majority rule! What's more American than that?

Binro the Heretic - 2014-09-23

I heard this on NPR last week and it pissed me off to no end.

The hypocrisy of not wanting to fund the education of others' children while simultaneously wanting public tax dollars to provide services for what amounted to exclusive private schools was awful enough, but to hide behind "If you don't like it, YOU HATE ALL JEWS." is sickening.

All they've really done is lend credence to racist assholes who say Jews only care about money and other Jews. Seriously, more Jews should be condemning their actions, but I can understand why they can't.

Binro the Heretic - 2014-09-23

Also, their lawyer was the most vile stereotype of the sleazy lawyer. I can't believe he occurred naturally. It's like he had to be grown in a lab somewhere or created by someone at Disney Imagineering to be such a fucking slime ball.

namtar - 2014-09-24

I knew who submitted this before clicking on it.

It's always fun when one can find things that reinforce one's preexisting worldview.

SolRo - 2014-09-24

or it was on the radio last week, and I heard it, like many others.

but it must be racism.

you're an idiot.

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