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Desc:This will be the next Maru. Mark my words.
Category:Science & Technology, Pets & Animals
Tags:pixels, itsy bitsy spider, computer bugs, these tags write themselves
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Comment count is 6
fluffy - 2015-06-05

I used to have a tiny jumping spider that lived in the back of my CRT and would come out to hunt every day.

RedHood - 2015-06-06

what did you name the spider? YOU DIDN'T FINISH THE FUCKING STORY GOD!

dairyqueenlatifah - 2015-06-06

I remember when I was like seven we had this old RCA TV and a cockroach somehow got inside of it and would roam across the screen every now and then. This lasted for a few days. Either he finally escaped or died.

gravelstudios - 2015-06-07

The roach got INSIDE the CRT? That's impressive--those things are vacuum sealed. Not that I doubt you. When I was a kid we had roaches, and they got into everything. They were especially attracted to electronics, so every clock in the house had dead roaches between the face and the glass.

betabox - 2015-06-07

Some older TVs had glass panels in front of the CRT.

gravelstudios - 2015-06-07

Upon reflection, that makes a whole lot more sense.

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