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Desc:Profile on underground cartoonist / 'lowbrow' painter Robert Williams.
Category:Classic TV Clips, Arts
Tags:80s, awesome, surrealism, these tags suck, Robert Williams
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Comment count is 6
Old_Zircon - 2015-07-19

There is plenty I could criticize about my high school art teacher, but teaching us about Robert Williams 9th grade is definitely not one of them.

Old_Zircon - 2015-07-19

Everything he says about the "high art" world is actually more topical today than it was in '89, too.

infinite zest - 2015-07-19

That's so cool. One of my physics teachers in high school used pinball as a pedagogical tool. Sounds crazy but now there's things like this:


Funny how we work that way.

infinite zest - 2015-07-19

Also with regards to Panter, I was obviously into Pee Wee's Playhouse first before I knew the name, what Slash Magazine was, any of that stuff. But I feel like it drew me to his style, just like my physics teacher is responsible for my pinball addiction. Never really thought about it like that.

Old_Zircon - 2015-07-20

Actually, I'm pretty sure he taught us about Williams in a weekend class on cartooning for teenagers he taught at the local community college, not in our actual high school class, come to think of it. But either way. Guy was a mixed bag but he got some stuff very right.

Oscar Wildcat - 2015-07-19

Hell yes! Oscar hit both of those shows back in the day, and prolly still has the second promotional poster ( lady on taco ) somewhere in the relics boxes. I never met the guy, and I'm thrilled that if you squint he's like some kind of louche Jimmy Stewart. Certaiinly one of the better fine art painters from that decade.

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