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Desc:Surreal Krofft-produced preview of NBC's 70s kids shows, with creepy puppets
Category:Classic TV Clips, Horror
Tags:nbc, Krofft, Run Joe Run, Wheelie and the Chopper Bunch, creepy puppets
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Comment count is 10
jangbones - 2015-12-28

I probably saw every God forsaken episode of Wheelie and the Chopper Bunch

how did my entire generation not turn into serial killers and spree shooters?

chumbucket - 2015-12-29

Darn, I used to think my lunch box design choice advertised me as the coolest cartoon-watching kid of the entire lunchroom.

fedex - 2015-12-28

is that the LOTL pilot or something?

infinite zest - 2015-12-28

I wonder why "Cars" seems pretty normal to most but "Wheelie and the Chopper Bunch" seems like a really bad acid trip. Oh yeah because drugs.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2015-12-28

22:22 WTF is that?

All these kids got to see the original theatrical release of Star Wars.

infinite zest - 2015-12-28

Seems like a nice cushiony way not to poke your eye out when running around filming such extreme adventures like X-rated actor John Voight doin stuff with his clothes on.

fedex - 2015-12-28

24:00 the Enterprise tries to score some drugs from some shady aliens

infinite zest - 2015-12-28

Ha.. that's at once a very boring and depressing promo. Only one thing could cheer me up, no not Jimmy Osmond in a Farrells Ice Cream Parlour uniform.. shit shouldn't have passed on those vitamin C tabs :(

Boomer The Dog - 2015-12-28

I think they were right to put Petey out in front as the NBC peacock, I liked his performance a good bit.

Run Joe Run, yay! I remember something about that, but probably Land Of The Lost most of all. Wesley Eure from Land went on to star in the feature film Chomps in 1979.

I grew up with Krofft shows, and thought they were colorful, even on black and white TV.


dieudonne - 2015-12-31

There aren't enough glitzy vegas-style puppet revues for children these days.

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