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Desc:for gmork; a bloated flying robot pushes a water bottle out of its swollen sphincter
Category:Horror, Science & Technology
Tags:festo, Festo - Son of Fisto, useless inventions of the tech bubble, shitting in your hand, FreeMotionHandling
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Comment count is 14
Gmork - 2016-04-13


fedex - 2016-04-13

comes with lube?

Meerkat - 2016-04-14

That ain't a water bottle son.

The Mothership - 2016-04-14

What brilliantly useless shit.

betamaxed - 2016-04-14

I only drink water delivered to me from the finest of robot anuses

That guy - 2016-04-14

I basically think of the suited asshole in the background as SolRo, the bottle of water as Reason, and the Festo as what we all hope poetv can do someday, in our wildest dreams.

SolRo - 2016-04-14

tell me how you really feel

fedex - 2016-04-14

can I be the little servo that drives Festo onward to its certain doom?

memedumpster - 2016-04-14

That is the world's first actually obscene robot.

Old_Zircon - 2016-04-14

Honestly, I would call this kind of stuff the least useless inventions of the tech bubble. Incremental consumer electronics upgrades are the useless stuff.

Old_Zircon - 2016-04-14

This video is hilarious marketing garbage though. And I like how the whole water bottle delivery thing is played up to try to fool people in to thinking this has any other purpose than domestic spying.

ZackKnight - 2016-04-14

The Festo Anal Prolapse Robot, aka "FAP'R".

Festo keeps making these weird floaty robots in a desperate attempt to make people look at them. All they do is make pneumatic parts, but they seem to spend a considerable amount of time and money to make it look like they actually do something cool.

I did this academic event where Festo was a sponsor, the whole thing turned into a shameless Festo marketing event. They brought in a truckload of banners and marketing demos. Afterwards, they thanked me for letting them bring all that stuff by leaving a bunch of Festo shirts, Festo jackets, Festo all-in-one laser pointer/flashlight/pens, and an incomplete set of academic lab pneumatic equipment that they didn't want to pack up with the business card of a sales guy where I could buy the rest.

jangbones - 2016-04-14

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Architeuthis Tux - 2016-04-14

I didn't even realize Matthew Barney was making more Cremaster movies!

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