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Desc:In Kentucky so he is probably still in the top ten
Category:Crime, Horror
Tags:Police, kentucky, #1 Dad, Worlds Greatest Dad, human shield
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Comment count is 12
The Mothership - 2016-05-29

What an upstanding gentleman. That poor little girl.

jangbones - 2016-05-29

well at least she won't have to spend a lot of time with him in the immediate future

The Mothership - 2016-05-29

Fair enough, but who's she gonna live with now? The fucking STATE?

Assholes like this need to take some fucking responsibility.

Bobonne - 2016-05-29

Having her be old enough to know something bad was happening and then that he was betraying her in some fashion made it extra nasty. Dang, that was just heartbreaking.

baleen - 2016-05-29

"Anyone with a drug trafficking warrant is not the nicest person you're gonna meet," says the racist who extracts blowjobs from prostitutes on the side.

He was there to file a restraining order against his wife. I don't see a man using a girl as a human shield, I see an idiot trying to bring his daughter with him while fending off an idiot redneck cop with a tazer.

Here's another angle on the story: A redneck cop points a tazer at a fucking little girl.

There were ten thousand better ways to have dealt with this situation.

Grandmaster Funk - 2016-05-29

^^^ This.

Typical pig bullshit. 0:55-1:00: if anything, he's shielding her. But that won't stop some attention-seeking pig scumbag from cooking up some alternative narrative to make it seem like he really squared off against a "bad guy."

kingarthur - 2016-05-29

This is is cop and new media bullshit. He's probably trying to drag her along because she's scared and the cops are spinning a story about how they pulled a taser on a scared little girl. And then the way the news channel spins it, he may was well be a dead man walking.

EvilHomer - 2016-05-29


Maggot Brain - 2016-05-29

Nice, they even managed to jam a little Islamophobia in there with the eye witness report.

jangbones - 2016-05-29

Anybody who could do this must be a secret mooslin!

memedumpster - 2016-05-29

Good description, but it's a tad sugary.

This man is still #1 dad in Kentucky.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2016-05-30

Five for the evil of the sensationalist news piece.

I'm not saying he's not trash, but I'm not seeing him "shield" himself with his daughter, he's just trying to get her out of there. Also, comparing him to ISIS/Mideast terror groups at the end. Nice one.

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